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UDC 622.276: 519.688
Parameter estimation of an oil extracting and pump installation control with use of dynamometer cards
V.B. Sadov, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation,
А problem of dynamometer card use is considered at an estimation of oil extracting parameters. The basic methods of an estimation output of oil well, including on dynamometer card are resulted. А method of an estimation output of the oil well on dynamometer card power parameters is considered. Results simulation method of an estimation output of the oil well on dynamometer card are given. Perspectivity of parameter estimation methods of the oil extracting on the dynamometer card is shown.Defect simulation basic formulas such as “insufficient inflow of a liquid to a chink” systems pump installation – the deep equipment, reflecting physical features of the given defect are resulted. Simulation results of this system are considered from the view point of the optimum control mode definition by oil extracting. As the schedule output of oil well has no obviously expressed point of an extremum the conclusion is made, that for control of the oil extracting process except for well it is necessary to include the sizes connected to other parameters of oil extracting and pump installation in criterion.
dynamometer card, control
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Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Computer Technologies, Automatic Control, Radio Electronics, 2013, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 33-41. (in Russ.) (The main)