UDC 621-37 DOI: 10.14529/ctcr150308 Application of Russian Element Base in Broadband Digital Devices for Processing and Generating of Radio Signals Yu. T. Karmanov, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, A.N. Nikolaev, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, S.V. Povalyaev, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, Abstract The article describes the principles of modern broadband devices for processing and generating radio signals. It found that the high-speed programmable logic integrated circuits (FPGA), analog-todigital (ADC) and digital-to-analog (DAC) converters are the key components of broadband radioelectronic systems. Specifications of the Russian FPGA, ADC and DAC are given. It is shown that the Russian high-speed FPGA, ADC and DAC are inferior to their foreign analogs in many ways. This hampers their direct use in digital broadband devices for processing and generating radio signals. For example the maximum clock frequency of high-speed Russian ADC doesn't exceed 125 MHz. At the same time the maximum clock frequency of foreign ADC is up to 1000…5000 MHz. Specialized blocks for digital signal processing (e.g. serial digital data transmission channels with a bandwidth of several gigabits per second) miss from the Russian FPGA. Foreign FPGA have tens of such specialized blocks. Problems of measuring the frequency of radio signals over a wide frequency range and rate matching digital streams between Russian FPGA and DAC are analyzed. It is shown that the application of special technical solutions and algorithms allows to build the broadband digital device for processing and generating radio signals on the Russian element base. For example the use of monobit digital technology allows to evaluate the frequency of the signal over a wide frequency range at the minimum requirements to the applied digital chips. Keywords analog-to-digital converter, digital-to-analog converter, programmable logic integrated circuit, broadband radio electronic systems, monobit digital technology References 1. Spetsifikatsiya na mikroskhemu 5101NV025 [IC Specification 5101NV025]. Available at: (accessed 26 April 2015). 2. Spetsifikatsiya na mikroskhemu 5101NV015 [IC Specification 5101NV015]. Available at: (accessed 26 April 2015). 3. Tekhnicheskoe opisanie na mikroskhemu 1273PA5U [IC Specification 1273PA5U]. Available at: (accessed 26 April 2015). 4. Tekhnicheskoe opisanie na mikroskhemu 1273PA6U [IC Specification 1273PA6U]. Available at: (accessed 26 April 2015). 5. Osnovnye kharakteristiki mikroskhemy 1273PA11T [IC Base Specification 1273PA11T]. Available at: (accessed 26 April 2015). 6. Osnovnye kharakteristiki mikroskhemy 1273PA12T [IC Base Specification 1273PA12T]. Available at: (accessed 26 April 2015). 7. Osnovnye kharakteristiki mikroskhemy 1273PA13T [IC Base Specification 1273PA13T]. Available at: (accessed 26 April 2015). 8. Katalog izdeliy “VZPP-S” [Product Catalog “VSDF-B”]. Available at: (accessed 26 April 2015). 9. Karmanov Yu.T., Nikolaev A.N. Tsifrovaya tekhnologiya obrabotki SVCh radiosignalov v shirokom chastotnom diapazone [Digital Processing Technology of Microwave Radio Signals over a Wide Frequency Range]. Fizika i tekhnicheskie prilozheniya volnovykh protsessov: tr. XI Mezhdunar. nauch.-tekhn. konf. [The Physics and Technology of Wave Processes: Proc. XI Int. Conf.]. Yekaterinburg, 2012, pp. 143–144. Source Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Computer Technologies, Automatic Control, Radio Electronics, 2015, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 57-65. (in Russ.) (Information and Communication Technologies and Systems) |