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Mechatronics and Robotics as an Innovative Element in the Development of the Engineering and Medicine Education
L.Yu. Ovsyanitskaya, Ural Social-Economic Institute, Аffiliate of the Labour and Social Relations Academy, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation,
E.V. Yurasova, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation,
Currently, mechatronics and robotics play a huge role in the development of modern medicine. The main purpose of the medicine robotics is the high accuracy and quality of service, efficiency of treatment, reducing the risk of harm to human health. However, despite advances in engineering and technology, health specialists are not always aware of them, and engineers do not have full information concerning the needs of modern medicine.The authors carried out a critical analysis of specific features concerning healthcare and engineering in the field related to the interaction with mechatronics and robotics. Identified the causes of the situation and proposed the ways to solve the problem.The law documents in the field of science, technology and strategy of medicine development were done to achieve this goal, used the methods of analysis of theoretical and practical preconditions of use of mechatronics and robotics as an innovative element in the development of medicine and engineering.Pedagogical solutions of described paradox by adjusting approaches in giving classes on cycles of health professionals’ and engineers’ training are proposed. The facts of reality, which form the basis for action related to the interdisciplinary research are presented. Recommendations to ensure a higher level of interaction between health professionals and engineers robotics are given.The cause of the low interaction between health professionals and engineers in solving interdisciplinary robotics tasks are determined. Pedagogical solutions to this problem are given.According to the research the authors conclude that the reason of not enough close cooperation between the healthcare specialists and robotics engineers is the isolation of different areas of knowledge specialists, lack of adequate information support innovative projects and the lack of interagency planning market-oriented research and analysis of predictive brand information and the lack of clear strategy for commercialization.
mechatronics, robotics, computer technologies, health care professionals, bionic approach, advanced training
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