UDC 519.24:543.275.1 Organization of the united information space for collection and processing of design-technology information based on self-made information systems Sergey Victorovich Medvedevskikh, PhD, science deputy director of FGUP «UNIIM», Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation,, Abstract The algorithms of processing of a priori and current input measurement information on objects, methods and instruments of water mass content measurements when estimating the moisture in solid substances are proposed. The analytical form of equations to calculate statistical characteristics of mass fraction of water in the solid substance of given volume in terms of the statistical treatment of measurement information which was obtained by the given procedures and the technical measurement instruments are reported. Keywords stochastic process, algorithms of estimating and control of moisture in solid substances, processing of input measurement information for water content measurements, accuracy parameters of information References 1. GOST R ISO 11648-1–2009. Statisticheskie metody. Vyborochnyj kontrol' neshtuchnoj produkcii. CHast' 1. Obshchie principy. 2. GOST R ISO 11648-2–2009. Statisticheskie metody. Vyborochnyj kontrol' neshtuchnoj produkcii. CHast' 2. Otbor vyborki sypuchih materialov. 3. RMG 75–2004. GSI. Izmereniya vlazhnosti veshchestv. Terminy i opredeleniya. 4. Korolyuk, V.S. Spravochnik po teorii veroyatnostej i matematicheskoj statistike / V.S. Korolyuk, N.I. Portenko, A.V. Skorohod. – M.: Nauka, 1985. – 640 s. 5. Lykov, A.V. Teplomassoobmen: sprav. / A.V. Lykov. – M.: EHnergiya, 1978. – 480 s. 6. Medvedevskih, S.V. Modeli processa izmerenij vlazhnosti tverdyh veshchestv termogravimetricheskim metodom / S.V. Medvedevskih // Temat. sb. nauch. tr. – CHelyabinsk: Izd-vo YUUrGU, 2001. – S. 42–53. 7. Gosudarstvennyj pervichnyj ehtalon edinic massovoj doli i massovoj koncentracii vlagi v tverdyh veshchestvah i materialah / V.V. Gorshkov, V.I. Koryakov, M.YU. Medvedevskih, S.V. Medvedevskih // Izmeritel'naya tekhnika. – 2010. – № 4. – S. 24. Source Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Computer Technologies, Automatic Control, Radio Electronics, 2012, iss. 15, no. 3 (262), pp. 34-37. (in Russ.) (The main) |