UDC 621.317.08 The solution of inverse dynamics measurements using status vector of the primary measuring converter Alexander Leonidovich Shestakov, South Ural State University (national research University), Chelyabinsk, Rector, Dmitry Yurievich Iosifov, South Ural State University (national research University), Assistant Professor, Olga Leonidovna Ibryaeva, South Ural State University (national research University), Assistant Professor, Abstract The method of optimum setting controlled adjustment device of measuring system with partially known characteristics of the wanted signal and noise are proposed. Measured signal and noise signal describes the spectral densities. The method is based on the measuring coordinate Status vector. Keywords dynamic measurements, primary measuring converter, status vector References 1. Vasilenko G.N. Teoriya vosstanovleniya signalov: O reduktsii k ideal'nomu priboru v fizike i tekhnike [The theory of Signals Recovery: about Reduction to Ideal Instrument in Physics and Engineering]. Moscow, Sovetskoe Radio, 1979. 2. Granovskiy V.A. Dinamicheskie izmereniya: Osnovy metrologicheskogo obespecheniya [Dynamic Measurements: Fundamentals of Metrological Support]. Leningrad, Energoatomizdat, 1984. 3. Katsaggelos A.K., Biemond J., Schafer R.W., Mersereau R.M. A regularized iterative image restoration algorithm // IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 1991. SP-39. Pp. 914-929. 4. Verlan A.F., Sizikov V.S. Metody resheniya integral'nykh uravneniy s programmami dlya EVM [Methods for solving integral equations with programs for computers]. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1987. 5. Bekman I.N., Shvyryaev A.A. Dostovernoe detektirovanie nestatsionarnykh kontsentratsiy gazov [Reliable detection of time-varying concentrations of gases] // Bulletin of the Moscow State University. Chemistry Series. 1981. 22, №5. Pp. 467-471. 6. Shestakov A.L. Dinamicheskaya tochnost' izmeritel'nogo preobrazovatelya s korrektiruyushchim ustroystvom v vide modeli datchika [Dynamic accuracy measuring transformer with corrective device as sensor model] // Metrologia. 1987. №2. Pp. 26-34. 7. Shestakov A.L. Dinamicheskaya tochnost' izmeritel'nogo preobrazovatelya s lineynym fil'trom na osnove modeli datchika [Dynamic accuracy measuring transducer with the linear filter based on sensor model] // Izvestiya Vuzov. Series Instrumentation. 1991. 34, №4. Pp. 8-13. 8. Shestakov A.L. Dynamic error correction method//IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 45, No.1, Febr. 1996. Pp. 250-255. 9. Hessling J.P. A novel method of dynamic correction in the time domain // Meas. Sci. Technol. 2008. 19, №7. 075101. 10. Zolotukhin Yu.N., Kotov K.Yu., Mal'tsev A.S. and other. Korrektsiya transportnogo zapazdyvaniya v sisteme upravleniya avtomobil'nym robotom [Transport delay correction in the management of Motor robot] // Avtometriya. 2011. 47, №2. Pp. 46-57. 11. Nalepa J.P. The “blind” dynamic error correction method – simulation study for the first-order measurement channel // Meas. Sci. Rev. 2001. 1, №1. P. 79-83. 12. Elster C., Link A. Uncertainty evalutino for dynamic measurements modeled by a linear time-invariant channel // Metrologia. 2008. 45, №4. P. 464-473. 13. Solodovnikov V.V. Staticheskaya dinamika lineynykh sistem avtomaticheskogo upravleniya [Static dynamics of linear automatic control systems]. Moscow, Gos. Izd-vo fiz.-mat. lit., 1960. Source Avtometriya. 2012. №5. Pp. 74-81. (The main) |