UDC 651.2.08 DOI: 10.14529/ctcr150218 To the 55th Anniversary of Information-Measuring Engineering Department: History of the Department in Documents and Facts Y.A. Usachev, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, usachevу Abstract The history of creation and development of the Information-Measuring Engineering Department of the South Ural State University is presented. Keywords the history of the department creation and development, the department research activity References 1. Usachev Yu.A. Sistemnaya optimizatsiya pervichnoy obrabotki informatsii v izmeritel'nykh optiko-elektronnykh sistemakh [System Optimization of Primary Information Processing in Measuring Opto-electronic Systems]. Chelyabinsk, South Ural St. Univ. Publ., 2000, 301 p. 2. Usachev Yu.A., Sukharev A.M. The Study of the Iterative Algorithm for the KLA Orientation Determination [Issledovanie iteratsionnogo algoritma opredeleniya orientatsii KLA]. Trudy nauchnoprakticheskoy konferentsii "Aktual'nye problemy avtomatizatsii i upravleniya" [Proc. Conf. "Actual problems of automation and control"]. Chelyabinsk, South Ural St. Univ. Publ., 2013, pp. 175–179.(in Russ.) 3. Usachev Yu.A., Komel'kov D.V. [Metrological Complex]. Practice of Instrumentation, 2003, no. 1, pp. 22–25. (in Russ.) 4. Usachev Yu.A. The Synthesis of the Control Algorithm for the Optimal Adaptive Threshold Detector [Sintez algoritma upravleniya porogom optimal'nogo adaptivnogo obnaruzhitelya]. Trudy XXIII Rossiyskoy shkoly Nauki i tekhnologii RAN [Proc. XXIII Russian School of Science and Technology of RAS]. 2003, pp. 522–537. (in Russ.) 5. Sukhovilov B.M., Usachev Yu.A. Identification of the Model of the Gyro Angular Velocity Vector Integrator in Operation [Identifikatsiya modeli giroskopicheskogo integratora vektora uglovoy skorosti v rezhime ekspluatatsii]. Tezisy doklada Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-tekhnicheskogo seminara "Metody i sredstva obrabotki izmeritel'noy informatsii" [Proc. All-Union Seminar "Methods and Facilities of Measurements Information Processing"]. Chelyabinsk, 1990, pp. 35–39. (in Russ.) Source Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Computer Technologies, Automatic Control, Radio Electronics, 2015, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 143-160. (in Russ.) (By the 55th anniversary of the Department "Information and measuring equipment") |