UDC 681.586 Detection and systematizing of physical ratio and phenomena to develop advanced physical quantity transducers Andrey Pavlovich Lapin, Candidate of Science (Engineering), associate professor of Information and Measuring Technology Department of South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, Andrey Sergeevich Volosnikov, Candidate of Science (Engineering), associate professor of Information and Measuring Technology Department of South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, Yury Aleksandrovich Usachev, Candidate of Science (Engineering), professor, professor of Information and Measuring Technology Department of South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, Oleg Yurievich Bushuev, postgraduate student of Information and Measuring Technology Department of South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, Abstract The question of establishing the system of physical ratio and phenomena classification which makes it possible to detect those phenomena which could be a basis of new advanced sensors (measuring transducers) of physical quantity development is considered in the article. Keywords classification, physical ratio and phenomena, sensors, measuring transducers, classification criteria, information resource References 1. Golovin, P.D. Fizicheskie yavleniya (ehffekty), ispol'zuemye dlya postroeniya pervichnyh preobrazovatelej (datchikov) / P.D. Golovin, A.V. Blinov // Datchiki i sistemy. – 2003. – № 11. – S. 3–9. 2. Vitgleb, G. Datchiki. Ustrojstvo i primenenie / G. Vitgleb. – M.: Mir, 1989. – 196 c. 3. Brindli, K. Izmeritel'nye preobrazovateli: sprav. posobie / K. Brindli; pod red. E.I. Sycheva. – M.: EHnergoatomizdat, 1991. – 143 s. 4. Ash, ZH. Datchiki izmeritel'nyh sistem: v 2 kn. /ZH. Ash, P. Andre, ZH. Bofron; per. s fr. A.S. Obuhova. – M.: Mir, 1992. 5. Datchiki: sprav. / Z.YU. Gotra, L.YA. Il'nickij, E.S. Polishchuk i dr. – L'vov: Kamenyar, 1995. – 312 s. 6. Frajden, D. Sovremennye datchiki: sprav. / D. Frajden; per. s angl. YU.A. Zabolotnoj; pod red. E.L. Svincova. – M.: Tekhnosfera, 2005. – 588 s. 7. Sostav bazy dannyh programmy «EHffekty 300». – 8. Gosudarstvennaya sistema obespecheniya edinstva izmerenij: Metrologiya: Osnovnye terminy i opredeleniya: Rekomendacii po mezhgosudarstvennoj standartizacii: RMG 29-99: utv. i vved. v dejstvie 01.01.2001: vzamen GOST 16263-70. – M.: Standartinform, 2008. – 46 s. 9. SHamrakov, A.L. Perspektivy razvitiya p'ezoehlektricheskih datchikov bystroperemennyh, impul'snyh i akusticheskih davlenij / A.L. SHamrakov // Datchiki i sistemy. – 2005. – № 9. – S. 4–8. 10. Novozhilov, YU.N. Izmerenie raskhoda ehnergonositelej i pogreshnosti kommercheskih priborov / YU.N. Novozhilov // Izmeritel'naya tekhnika. – 2000. – № 9. – S. 55–57. 11. Nauchnaya biblioteka YUUrGU. Bibliotechno-informacionnyj kompleks. – Source Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Computer Technologies, Automatic Control, Radio Electronics, 2012, iss. 17, no. 35 (294)
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