UDC 621.317.39+681.586.6+681.2.08+669.15:669-157.8 Experimental check of Curie point determination algorithm of thermocouple electrode in accordance with results of thermoelectric power measurements Konstantin Aleksandrovich Umanets, Post-Graduate Student of Equipment for Information and Measuring Department, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, Mikhail Dmitrievich Belousov, Engineer of Equipment for Information and Measuring Department, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, Vitaly Vladimirovich Dyachuk, Head of Laboratory of Physical Chemistry Department, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, Dzhalal Aminulovich Mirzaev, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Honored Worker of Higher School, Physical Metallurgy and Solid-State Physics Department, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, Aleksandr Leonidovich Shestakov, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor, Honored Worker of Higher School, Head of Equipment for Information and Measuring Department, Rector, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, Yana Valerevna Kuznetsova, Post-Graduate Student of Equipment for Information and Measuring Department, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, Abstract In the previous works of the authors the possibility of creation of self-calibrating sensors on the basis of phase transition of II type. In this article the evaluation of measurement accuracy for nickel-platinum thermocouple by the mentioned Curie point of nickel has been performed. Keywords metrological self-monitoring, evaluation of proper state, phase transition, Curie point References 1. APPLICATION OF SELF-CALIBRATING THERMOCOUPLES WITH MINIATURE FIXED-POINT CELLS IN A TEMPERATURE RANGE FROM 500 °C TO 650 °C IN STEAM GENERATORS [EHlektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: 2. Sensory temperatury s funkciej samostoyatel'noj kalibrovki i graduirovki v processe raboty na osnove fazovyh perekhodov 2-go roda / M.D. Belousov, V.V. D'yachuk, D.A. Mirzaev, A.L. SHestakov // Trudy Tret'ej rossijskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Tekhnicheskie i programmnye sredstva sistem upravleniya, kontrolya i izmereniya [EHlektronnyj resurs]: trudy i plenarnye doklady uchastnikov konferencii UKI’12. – EHlektron. dan. – M.: IPU RAN, 2012. – 1 ehlektron. opt. disk (CD-ROM). – S. 1786–1794. 3. Termoehlektrodvizhushchaya sila metallov: per. s angl. / F.Dzh. Blatt, P.A. SHreder, K.L. Fojlz i dr.; pod red. D.K. Belashchenko. – M.: Metallurgiya, 1980. – 248 s. 4. Issledovaniya materialov s neobhodimymi fazovymi perekhodami. Razrabotka algoritmov obnaruzheniya tochek fazovyh perekhodov. Razrabotka maketov sensorov s fazovymi perekhodami: otchet o NIR / OOO «Avangard»; YUUrGU; ruk. Belousov M.D.; ispoln.: Belousov M.D. [i dr.]. – CHelyabinsk, 2011. – 106 s. – Bibliogr.: s. 86–87. – № GR 01201172993. – Inv. № 02201159837. 5. Fizicheskie velichiny: sprav. / A.P. Babichev, N.A. Babushkina, A.M. Bratkovskij i dr.; pod. red. I.S. Grigor'eva, E.Z. Mejlihova. – M.: EHnergoatomizdat, 1991. – 1232 s. 6. GOST R 8.585–2001. Gosudarstvennaya sistema obespecheniya edinstva izmerenij. Termopary. Nominal'nye statisticheskie harakteristiki preobrazovaniya. Source Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Computer Technologies, Automatic Control, Radio Electronics, 2013, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 72-75. (in Russ.) (The main) |