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UDC 621.31
Mobile system for a state estimation of the low-speed rolling equipment
Sergey Gennagevich Nekrasov, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor of Information and Measurement Technology Department, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation,
Mobile system of a state estimation of equipment, adapted for the operation of plate rolling, diagnostics of which is traditionally one of most challenging, is observed. Distinctive feature of the system is multichannel data processing, thus the high-frequency channel realizes a well-known signal envelope method and is executed by the resonant. It is offered to convert a high-frequency signal and to submit it in parallel DAC on ear-phones of the operator, preventing industrial noise and digital encoder problem, having turned on the most powerful the computer which is a brain of the person. Simultaneous registration by the operator of an analogue audible signal and graphical representation of its spectrum gives the possibility to increase reliability and validity of information.
estimation, diagnostics, bearing, resonance methods, spectrum, signal envelope, equipment
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Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Computer Technologies, Automatic Control, Radio Electronics, 2012, iss. 16, no. 23 (282), pp. 58-63. (in Russ.) (The main)